Monday, October 10

A world devoid



...................Words that describe the state of not being there or goes on without getting noticed......

Nobody cares what your thoughts are.... 

                             Nor pay heed to words coming out of your mouth... 

                                                            They just feel that it's just some random blabbering of all sorts...... 


~funny how you're dead when people started listening~

Thursday, May 19

An unreachable darkness...

                                                                                                       Casted by an object....

                                         Forever following the shape and size of its caster.....

          Move and it moves......                                                            
                                                                                                                      Stationary when you're still.....

~Gonna reach for you one day~

Friday, April 29

The sense of being there

Everyone needs somebody to rely on. Somebody to share their life's experience, no matter how reserve they seem to be. Even lone wolf's secretly wants a companion to go with.

Some may be playful and cheeky at times but heck! That'll make life even more worthwhile instead of living a dull mundane life...

Some share everything they have to share while faking it sometimes. Who cares as long as someone's there...

No more hesitations, get out there, get a friend if you don't have it yet, treasure them and see the results. You'll be surprised.

The best medicine.....

Laughter... It's not possible to keep it in. You'll laugh it out in the end even though you try your best to keep it in. Almost uncontrollable, infectious at times. One can laugh either through a naughty little tickle or after having a great sense of accomplishment. It's released heartily, and the feeling's rather pleasant. Makes you feel all good inside.

Go on...

Laugh it out!

Rather pleasant.....

Thursday, April 28

Thoughts of all sorts







But you said so....

Right. Commitment. That's tough......

It takes the life and time out of you to be able to commit to something.


Pure dedication is needed to finish up what you began. One could easily break down in the middle of the process and give up. Leaving the job incomplete.                  Abandoned.
Even if you manage to commit into something you really love, maintaining the whole thing comes into play. Committing to something isn't enough. By committing, you're putting your life and soul into anything that you're working on.

No fear!
No hesitations! 
No uncertainty! 
No surrender!

When you're committed to something, you're taking a risk. A risk that you're gonna live through every single part of your life. So, if you want to be in a commitment.....

Brace yourself.

It's all about the atmosphere!!

Well, as the title suggest, it's all about the atmosphere. Atmosphere changes mood in an instant, like a snap! You feel good. Darn good. Or vice versa.... Which brings you deeper and deeper into depression.....


With a little of.......
And a little bit of....

That'll make my day's worth...

I miss my band.......